Restaurant in Volos City

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BAKALIKO KRITIS in Volos City, Magnesia, Thessaly


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Water Lily

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Dalut de Platane

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Artisimo Grill in Volos City, Magnesia, Thessaly

Artisimo Grill

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Restaurant in Volos City, Magnesia, Thessaly

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Restaurant in Volos City, Magnesia, Thessaly hotels, villas, restaurants, shops, businesses Find the best prices for accommodation and food for place to visit in Restaurant in Volos City, Magnesia, Thessaly

to / Homemade Souvlaki','location': [39.363445, 22.94349],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'113745'},{'name':'Gaia Restaurant','location': [39.360607, 22.943638],'message':'
Gaia Restaurant

15 Argonafton, Volos 382 22, Magnesia, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 034153


','icons':'','pid':'113747'},{'name':'Tsipouradiko Ta Kymata','location': [39.35953, 22.946152],'message':'
Tsipouradiko Ta Kymata

41 Argonafton Topali, Volos 382 21, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 027838

','icons':'','pid':'113749'},{'name':'Pizzaria Toronto','location': [39.358803, 22.947392],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'113751'},{'name':'Casa Pizzeria','location': [39.358482, 22.94784],'message':'
Casa Pizzeria

Argonafton 47 Volou Beach, Volos 38221, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 024211

','icons':'','pid':'113753'},{'name':'MeZen','location': [39.359924, 22.948446],'message':'

8 Alonnissou, Volos 382 21, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 020844

','icons':'','pid':'113754'},{'name':'Sousourada','location': [39.365894, 22.953148],'message':'

168 Lordou Virona, Volos 382 21, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 073040


','icons':'','pid':'113756'},{'name':'Taverna Tsardakas','location': [39.36756, 22.957668],'message':'
Taverna Tsardakas

55 Kiprou Across from 1st Gymnasium Volos, Volos 382 21, Magnesia, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 045111


','icons':'','pid':'113758'},{'name':'K.X. 1948','location': [39.3692, 22.960533],'message':'
K.X. 1948

91 Kiprou, Volos 382 21, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 058855


','icons':'','pid':'113761'},{'name':'Giouvetsaki','location': [39.352364, 22.96303],'message':'

Polymeri 179A, Volos 382 22, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 308342


','icons':'','pid':'113763'},{'name':'Sta Perix','location': [39.3808, 22.969248],'message':'
Sta Perix

426 Iolkou Aidonofolies Volos, Volos 382 23, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 102110


','icons':'','pid':'113764'},{'name':'Gkazi','location': [39.36663, 22.93419],'message':'

25 Pagasson, Volos 383 34, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 022255


','icons':'','pid':'112598'},{'name':'Diosmos & Kanella','location': [39.362144, 22.936144],'message':'
Diosmos & Kanella

33 Mitropoliti Grigoriou, Volos 383 34, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 2421 022330


','icons':'','pid':'112600'},{'name':'LoLa&LuNa Trattoria Italiana','location': [39.369205, 22.941282],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'112601'}]; var clustering = ''; var map; var mgr; var markerClusterer; var markerArray = []; var mClusterer = null; var pippoint_effects='click'; var infoBubble = new InfoBubble({maxWidth:210,minWidth:210,minHeight:"auto",padding:0,borderRadius:0,borderWidth:0,overflow:"visible",backgroundColor:"#fff"}); var isDraggable = jQuery(document).width() > 480 ? true : false; var isscrollwheel = jQuery(document).width() > 480 ? true : false; var dragging = zoom_changed = false; var bounds_modified = false; var new_bounds; var query_string='post_type=listing&taxonomy=listingcategory&slug=restaurant'; var zoom_changed=1; function initialize() { bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var myOptions = { scrollwheel: isscrollwheel, draggable: isDraggable, zoom: CITY_MAP_ZOOMING_FACT, center: new google.maps.LatLng(CITY_MAP_CENTER_LAT, CITY_MAP_CENTER_LNG), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),myOptions); /* map style customizer */ var styles = []; map.setOptions({styles: styles}); /* Add Google Map marlkers */ mgr = new MarkerManager( map ); templ_add_googlemap_markers(markers); if ( zoom_option==1) { map.fitBounds(bounds); map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter( ) ) ; } /* but that message is not within the marker's instance data */ google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dragstart', function() { dragging = false; }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dragend', function() { dragging = true; }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function() { bounds_modified = true; new_bounds = map.getBounds(); }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() { if ( zoom_changed!=1) { dragging = true; } zoom_changed=0; }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function(ev) { /*new_bounds = map.getBounds();*/ refresh_markers(); }); } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);