Restaurant in Pefki

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Gazohori in  Pefki, Attica, Central Greece


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Bambino in  Pefki, Attica, Central Greece


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Restaurant in Pefki, Attica, Central Greece

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to King','location': [23.6756, 38.017345],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'117395'},{'name':'Krystallis','location': [23.836154, 38.015975],'message':'

Square Ag. Triados P.Penteli, Athens 15236, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0613 6838

','icons':'','pid':'117393'},{'name':'Brasserie Vintage','location': [23.727795, 37.981396],'message':'
Brasserie Vintage

3-5 Kratinou Downtown, Athens 105 51, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0323 9011


','icons':'','pid':'117397'},{'name':'Improv Cafe and Resto','location': [23.713149, 37.979396],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'117389'},{'name':'Micraasia Mezebar','location': [23.711158, 37.97996],'message':'
Micraasia Mezebar

70 Konstantinoupoleos Ave, Athens 11854, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 690 924 7999

','icons':'','pid':'117387'},{'name':'Gazohori','location': [23.710199, 37.978669],'message':'

Dekeleon 2, Gkazi, Athens, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0342 4044

','icons':'','pid':'117391'},{'name':'Bambino','location': [38.059784, 23.79364],'message':'

Dimokratias 3 Pefki, Athens, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0612 0175


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